Changes to the Post 9/11 GI Bill Impacting Students Although fairly comprehensive and greatly improved from the previous Montgomery GI-Bill, the Post-9/11 GI-Bill will be undergoing some changes. Payable on October 1, 2011, the bill has been expanded to include Active Service performed by National Guard members under title 32 U.S.C. for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the National Guard; or under section 502(f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency. Other changes for Active Duty members and their transferees include a limit on the net cost for tuition and fees, prorated based on the eligibility tiers (40%-100%) previously established for Veterans and the creation of a national rate for those active duty members enrolled in a private or foreign school pursuing a degree . The bill pays all public school in-state tuition and fees, with private and foreign school costs capped at $17,500 per academic year (the academic year begins August 1). For Veterans and their transferees, the changes consist of the following:
One of the major changes that will be in effect as of October 1, 2011 allows students to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill for Non-college degree (NCD) programs offered at non-degree granting schools. Payment will be the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees or $17,500, whichever is less. There is also payment up to $83 per month for books and supplies. Additional changes include on-the-job and apprenticeship training, paying a monthly benefit amount prorated based on time in program and up to $83 per month for books and supplies; flight programs, which pay the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $10,000, whichever is less; and correspondence training, which pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $8,500, whichever is less. Housing allowance is now payable to students (other than those on active duty) enrolled solely in distance learning. The housing allowance payable is equal to ½ the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents. The full-time rate for an individual eligible at the 100% eligibility tier would be $673.50 for 2011. It also allows students on active duty to receive a books and supplies stipend. |