Hired! Do your Homework, Land A Job From CNN Money In these challenging times, losing your job does not always lead to long-term unemployment. When David Hudson was laid off from his computer programming job, he sharpened his skills, did his due diligence and took full advantage of the resources available to him. “I put myself in the place of the employer,” he explained. “What would the employer be looking for, what would catch their eye?” For starters, Hudson researched the key words and phrases that hiring managers were looking for now, like “computer programmer,” instead of the more outdated “IT professional,” and described himself accordingly on his resume. It worked. Hudson received 20 to 30 calls from his resume alone. As for networking, he reached out to his friends and former managers, joined LinkedIn and his college alumni association. One of the employers that contacted him early in his search hired him. Our career experts agree that Hudson can credit his success to his analytic approach to the job search. Like Hudson, job seekers need to sell themselves to potential employers. That means getting up to speed on relevant skills in demand, finding contacts with the company and putting your best foot forward at the interview. —————- MilitaryConnection.com is a portal of all things military. One of our main areas of focus is to connect members of military and veteran communities and their family members with outstanding jobs. We handle all occupational areas across the board including healthcare, transportation, law enforcement, trades, security high tech and much more. You will find excellent jobs for military and veterans in both the civilian and government sectors on our site. MilitaryConnection.com is proud to present a multitude of resources for those seeking employment opportunities. We provide all types of articles and job tips to assist you. We also have many valuable resources including but not limited to our Virtual Job Fair, our Directory of Employers and of course the MilitaryConnection Job Board with thousands of nationwide jobs. MilitaryConnection.com recognizes the wonderful contributions of Transition Officers and Veteran Service Officers. We value their hard work and work with them. When the next tours is back home, it’s on MilitaryConnection.com |