national korean war veterans armistice day
Why do we celebrate National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day?
operation homefront free school supplies
Registration is open for Operation Homefront’s Back-to-School Brigade 2021
annie program
New VA app supports veterans via text. Annie provides virtual reminders and information regarding self-care topics important to Veterans.
veteran fitness program
The VA Gerofit Program helps aging Veterans maintain physical and mental health through individualized exercise plans.
reverse culture shock
Managing reverse culture shock starts with understanding it’s causes and knowing what to expect.
The VSFS application is open for the 2021-2022 program, and this year students can connect with more governmental agencies than ever before.
Operation Enduring Service
Operation Enduring Service creates the largest collection of 9/11 military service stories in the past 20 years.
list of historical sites
10 former military forts top our list of historical sites to visit in the northeastern United States.
military malpractice
The NDAA changes the limitations of the Feres Doctrine and allows for the filing of military medical malpractice cases.
celebrating independence day
4th of July background: What exactly do we honor when celebrating Independence Day in America?
hope for the warriors
Hope for the Warriors connects service members and families with resources and programs to help ease the transition to civilian life.
Military Connection