New Technology Reduces Stress-Induced Pain, May Help Vets

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, anywhere between 11% to 12% of
veterans who served in Iraq suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, while 15% of Vietnam
veterans suffer from PTSD. While the rate at which veterans are diagnosed differs based on
when and where they served time, it’s no secret that veterans and active military members alike
struggle with the trauma induced during their service.

However, what many people don’t realize is that stress manifests itself in the body. This means
that not only is it a mental disorder, but that it can be further compounded into a physical
disorder as well.

“The most common forms of physical pain are caused by tissue damage from an injury, stress,
or decay, which causes nerve fibers to signal the brain with a pain sensation,” says Jan
Wellmann, CEO at “We developed the WaveLife Energy Cell to safely address
common pain points while decreasing dependence on prescription pills.”

Credible lab reports tested the effects of the WaveLife Energy Cell by using cultured organ-
specific cells, and results clearly indicate effective treatment of cell cultures. For veterans, this
new technology could be game-changing in both treating stress and chronic pain.

How Stress Affects the Body

The stress hormones in your body trigger its “fight or flight” response. Whenever you feel
stressed, your body braces itself for battle: your heart begins to race and your muscles start to
tense. This knee-jerk reaction is in place to protect and prepare you in emergencies situations.
However, when those stress hormones are fired consistently with no physical battle in sight, it
creates long-term consequences for the body.

For instance, because stress hormones tighten your blood vessels, it raises your blood
pressure. High blood pressure and an increased heart rate cause damage to your arteries,
which could ultimately result in a heart attack. And lastly, long-term stress weakens your
immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

According to one study called, Chronic Pain and Chronic Stress: Two Sides of the Same Coin?,
pain and stress share significant physiological overlaps. “Both phenomena challenge the body’s
homeostasis and necessitate decision-making to help animals adapt to their environment,” the study states. “Better understanding of the overlapping and distinguishing features of chronic stress and pain could provide greater insight into the neurobiology of these processes, as well
as contribute to rational drug development for these often comorbid conditions.”

Addiction to Prescription Pills

According to research, more than 20 million veterans across the United States struggle with
chronic pain. Many veterans who suffer from PTSD or from chronic pain stemming from combat-
related injuries are given prescription pills for anxiety and pain—both which are highly addictive.
Growing a tolerance for these drugs can quickly lead to withdrawals when attempting to wean
off of them. There is already an opioid epidemic in this country due to the addictive quality of
these clinically administered narcotics. While the VA’s Opioid Safety Initiative (OSI) has limited
the amount of prescriptions available, there’s still work to be done.

Using Vital Fields to Heal

The human body produces its own electromagnetic fields in very low frequencies. Every atom in
your body has its own electrical fields, and specific sections of your body generate electricity.
When you’re injured, the sensors in your body use these electrical signals to send a message to
your brain, which processes this as pain. Every little process in your body that keeps you alive
and healthy can ultimately be traced back to an electrical field.
Vital fields are instrumental to the Energy Cell technology. Vital fields are the life promoting
frequencies that are everywhere, all around us. In every direction, organisms are projecting their
own energy through natural electromagnetic vital fields. “Vibratory stimuli interact in the body in
a complex manner, and when energy in the body is manipulated by mimicking vital fields, it can
result in positive physiological effects,” says Wellmann.

You may not realize it, but you exist as a walking electrical field. Your body contains electrical
“generators.” Your vital field, or bio-energies, have different electromagnetic properties that
consist of specific deficiencies, stressors, and other characteristics. No two vital fields are alike,
just as no two fingerprints are alike. Often, these stressors are lurking beneath the tip of the
iceberg that represent many chronic and acute diseases.
With the right tools, you can leverage your body’s own self healing power to quickly regenerate
damaged or dysfunctional tissue, and that’s what technology like the WaveLife Energy Cell aims
to do.

What’s Next

It’s important to understand that veterans seeking relief from pain or addiction have many
treatment options available to them through the Veteran’s Association. Alternative medicine,
such as acupuncture, meditation, and relaxation have all been linked to healing properties.

Lifestyle management, such as healthy diets and exercise regimens, also help decrease stress.
Counseling and therapy are always, of course, great options that should be used in conjunction
with other forms of pain and stress management. Regain control of your body by taking the first
steps towards creating a plan designed specifically for you.


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