Categories: Veteran News

Veteran Receives a Car as Random Act of Kindness

By Military Connection Staff Writer Joe Silva.

Located approximately 250 miles from Denver, CO,  Grand Junction is the largest city in Western Colorado. Since 1929, the Grand Junction Lions Club has raised and donated approximately $4 million for non-profit charities, schools and events.

On December 30th, the Grand Junction Lions Club helped a Veteran become the new owner of a much needed used car. Veteran Rickey Clark was the recipient of this act of kindness. Clark had been without a car for nearly two years. During that time, he would walk, ride his bike and bum rides to his job at a nursing home. Thanks to the gift, Clark received a used 1989 Cadillac De Ville at no cost to him.

For 10 years, the Grand Junction Lions Club has participated in a “Random Act of Kindness” program. The car for Clark was made possible through the help of contributions from many Grand Junction businesses, including the Foreign Aid Repair Shop, Shiner’s Car Wash, Napa Auto Parts, and the Dan Geer Insurance Agency.

A local news broadcast covered the story of the Veteran receiving the keys to his car. Clark thanked the community for the gift.

“I’m at a loss,” Clark told local news reporters. “My heart is like…and it’s like I didn’t expect this. I really didn’t. I was hoping, but I didn’t expect it at all. This is unreal. Thank you so much.”

The Veteran was choked up, visibly moved by the unexpected gesture.

According to their Facebook page, the club and its program were responsible for a random of act of Christmas kindness for a military family in a local Wal-Mart. An Army wife thanked the group on their page for a member’s gesture, calling him their family’s “Christmas Angel.”

At, we love to spread good news, and we love to report kindnesses and generosity towards the military and Veteran communities. These are great deeds that the people, businesses and organizations of Grand Junction, Colorado are doing for Veterans and for humanity. We would like to acknowledge the great deeds that they have done and encourage other cities, business and organizations to follow their example.


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