military suicides

Military Connection: Chaplains Need Better TrainingMilitary Connection: Chaplains Need Better Training

Military Connection: Chaplains Need Better Training

By Debbie Gregory. The number of suicides in the Army began rising in 2004, peaking at 185 deaths among those…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Reducing Military SuicidesMilitary Connection: Reducing Military Suicides

Military Connection: Reducing Military Suicides

By Debbie Gregory President Barack Obama has signed a bill that aims to reduce suicides among Veterans, active-duty and reserve…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Even One More Military Suicide is UnacceptableMilitary Connection: Even One More Military Suicide is Unacceptable

Military Connection: Even One More Military Suicide is Unacceptable

By Debbie Gregory. The number of suicides among active duty military personnel jumped slightly in 2014. Because every suicide is one suicide too many, each…

10 years ago
Military Connection: New Suicide Screening: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: New Suicide Screening: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: New Suicide Screening: By Debbie Gregory

Military doctors are looking to reduce the number of suicides among service members with psychiatric conditions by implementing a new…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Navy Suicides Up: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Navy Suicides Up: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Navy Suicides Up: By Debbie Gregory

Recently, the Pentagon released updated figures on the suicides within all service branches. So far in 2014, the Navy has…

11 years ago