D’Youville Veteran Student Michelle Greene Rides for a Cause

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You could call Technical Sergeant Michelle Greene a bit of an overachiever.

The  27-year-old has already completed nine years of military service, while taking on a full time course load to complete her undergraduate degree in Exercise and Sports Science at D’Youville College, a Veteran School Salute awardee and Yellow Ribbon Program Participant.

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A natural at athletics, Greene took up road biking four years ago, and it quickly became her favorite hobby. So when you love to ride, and you have a generous spirit, what better to do then combine the two and ride for a cause?

“Simply put, I want to do this ride for those who can’t,” said Greene.

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Greene connected with Mission 22, a non-profit organization that raises awareness and enlists support to end veteran suicide in America. She has volunteered to complete a 22 day bike trek traveling from Buffalo, NY to Keesler AFB, Mississippi during the month of September, 2017.

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“If by me riding 1250 miles on my bike can help even one soul overcome the mental battle or depression and thoughts of suicide I would do it 100 times over,” Greene said.

On top of her studies and military service, Greene also volunteers at a local gym as a trainer, specializing in teen and young adult athletic development.

“I myself have known many people who have struggled with PTSD, depression, and a never ending mental battle with the outcome often times leading to suicide,” Greene shared. “I want people, vets and civilians alike, to become aware of the resources out there to help. I want them to know they are not alone in this mentally crippling battle and that there is help, there is a light, and there is a chance to become healed from the stressors military life puts on not only the member, but their family, friends, and cohorts.”

Greene’s long term plan is to earn her Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

It’s time to replace the words, “Thank you for your service” with an action that demonstrates the sentiment. If you would like to support Michelle Greene’s great cause, you can do so by either purchasing a shirt or through a direct donation.


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