Career Check Up

Career Check Up

By Matt Lowney

With the New Year upon us, it’s a great time to sit down and assess your career goals for 2007.  Economists predict 1.5 million new jobs will be created this year, so you should find opportunities are available in most fields.  Below are some questions that you should ask yourself when evaluating your career path going forward into 2007.

Do I enjoy what I’m doing?  While this question seems basic, too many of us make a daily commute to a job we can’t tolerate.  If this is you, then you should formulate a plan to first figure out what you want to do, then what are you going to do to get there.

What are my long-term prospects?  If you enjoy what you do, but get the feeling your opportunities for advancement are minimal, then you should begin the networking process immediately.  Join and become active in trade associations, as well as make contacts with recruiters that specialize in your field.  Employers are finding it increasingly difficult to find experienced managers, so they are more willing to train someone into these types of roles.

What should I look for in a new career?  For many,

Is this a good year to make a change in careers/ jobs?  As mentioned before, 1.5 million new jobs are likely to be created this year, but this doesn’t mean all sectors are going to feel this surge in employment equally.  Small to mid-sized companies are leading the way in the creation of new positions and healthcare will continue to be strong for years to come.  If you are looking to move into one of these high growth sectors, then you may have to take a short-term move back in income.