veteran suicide

A Tragic Suicide That Might Have Been Avoided: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. Chrystal Akins has endured a pain that most of us pray we will never experience. She had…

10 years ago

Pushing to Improve Mental Health Care: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly has introduced three additional bills to up the quality of mental health care…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Study ties Veteran Suicide to Early Separations

By Debbie Gregory. A recent study found that there is no link between military/Veteran suicides and deployments, but surprisingly, connects…

10 years ago

Military Connection: PTSD Suspected in AF Vet’s Suicide

By Debbie Gregory. Air Force Reserve Capt. Jamie Brunette went to war for her country. In her 11 year Air…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Study Finds No Link Between Suicide and Deployment

By Debbie Gregory. Assessing the instances of suicide in service members and veterans have been foremost for many years, but…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Why Would Senator Kill Suicide Bill? By Joe Silva

The failing of the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act in the U.S. Senate, and the fact that…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Military Suicide Spike: By Debbie Gregory

Suicide now tops the list of the leading causes of death among military service members. American civilians have seen the…

10 years ago

Military Connection: You Still Have “The Power of 1” By Debbie Gregory

In September, Military Connection announced the launch of “The Power of 1,” a campaign administered jointly by the Department of…

10 years ago

Military Connection: “The Power of 1” By Debbie Gregory

September is Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide crosses all boundaries, including age, profession, gender, race and religion. In the military and…

11 years ago