VA scandal

Military Connection: VA Ordered to Repay Fired Director’s BonusMilitary Connection: VA Ordered to Repay Fired Director’s Bonus

Military Connection: VA Ordered to Repay Fired Director’s Bonus

By Debbie Gregory A judge ruled that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) repay $5,624 in garnished wages to the…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Choice Act in Effect: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Choice Act in Effect: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Choice Act in Effect: By Debbie Gregory

This has been a very distressing and eventful year for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), as well as…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Elections Based on Vets Issues: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Elections Based on Vets Issues: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Elections Based on Vets Issues: By Debbie Gregory

The political advertising campaigns on television and radio, as well as the signs filling our street corners, tell us that…

10 years ago
Military Connection: VA Firing Four Senior Officials: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: VA Firing Four Senior Officials: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: VA Firing Four Senior Officials: By Debbie Gregory

On October 6, 2014, the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Sloan Gibson proposed the removal of the Deputy Chief…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Deaths Not Linked to VA Wait: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Deaths Not Linked to VA Wait: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Deaths Not Linked to VA Wait: By Debbie Gregory

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released a memorandum saying that investigators have found no proof that delays in…

11 years ago
Military Connection: More Vets Getting Private Care: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: More Vets Getting Private Care: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: More Vets Getting Private Care: By Debbie Gregory

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been significantly increasing Veterans referrals to private doctors, following the scandal over…

11 years ago
Military Connection: VA Proposes Punishments: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: VA Proposes Punishments: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: VA Proposes Punishments: By Debbie Gregory

In the ongoing battle to right the ship and regain the public’s confidence in the Veteran healthcare system, the Department…

11 years ago