Veteran’s Suicide Tragedy Compounded by Financial Consequences

By Debbie Gregory. On July 5th, Stephen Coning, a 26-year- old veteran who had served three deployments as a Marine Infantryman, tragically…

8 years ago

Pay For Success Veterans Employment Program Launched By VA

By Debbie Gregory. The VA Center for Innovation (VACI) and VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment teams are partnering with the…

9 years ago

Army Looks to Tackle Anger Amongst Combat Vets

By Debbie Gregory. It is not uncommon for military veterans to join police forces and vice versa. Both jobs offer…

9 years ago

Should Military Service Earn Non-citizen Veterans a Second Chance at Citizenship?

By Debbie Gregory. A baby born on U.S. soil is automatically granted U.S. citizenship. Another path to citizenship is through…

9 years ago

Virtual Reality Therapy Recognized as a Treatment for Trauma

By Debbie Gregory. Re-adjusting to being a civilian can be a tough transition, especially when accompanied by insomnia, irritability and…

9 years ago

Senate Advances Proposal to Help Veterans with Mental Trauma

By Debbie Gregory. The U.S. Senate recently passed, on a voice vote, a proposal by Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., to…

9 years ago

Hippocampus Size May Determine PTSD Treatment

By Debbie Gregory. Thanks to advances in medical technology, researchers have begun to study the effect of PTSD on the…

9 years ago

Guard Your Mind and Body during PTSD Awareness Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month, a great opportunity to raise public awareness about PTSD, a behavioral health concern that impacts…

9 years ago

Does PTSD Jeopardize Insurability for Veterans?

By Debbie Gregory. Can you qualify for life insurance if you have PTSD? It depends on each individual’s circumstances, as…

9 years ago

Pets for Vets- Making Matches, Saving Lives

By Debbie Gregory. Dogs have always been called “man’s best friend” as they are known for their loyalty and companionship.…

9 years ago