Military Connection: Attack Survivors Come Home: By Debbie Gregory

Last week, several of the American service members who were wounded in the August 5th insider attack that killed Maj.…

11 years ago

Military Connection: VA’s PC3 Program Expands: By Debbie Gregory

On August 13, 2014, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced that primary care has been added to its…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Trust Your Charity? By Debbie Gregory

In October, 2013, Joseph Earl Steward was arrested in Ohio for illegally soliciting funds for a popular Veterans charity. On…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Update on Sgt. Bergdahl: By Debbie Gregory

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl disappeared from his post in Afghanistan's Paktika province on June 30, 2009. Bergdahl was stationed there…

11 years ago

Military Connection Remembers Robin Williams: By Debbie Gregory

Since his death on August 11, 2014, tributes to Robin Williams have flooded in. While the actor/comedian is often remembered…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Veteran Survey Findings: By Debbie Gregory

In July, the Veterans advocacy group Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) released the findings of its 2014 Member…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Iraq Vets on Air Strikes: By Debbie Gregory

President Obama has authorized the use of air strikes to assist the Republic of Iraq against the insurgent group that…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Navy Suicides Up: By Debbie Gregory

Recently, the Pentagon released updated figures on the suicides within all service branches. So far in 2014, the Navy has…

11 years ago

Military Connections: Unmentioned Risks of Service: By Debbie Gregory

Men and women who choose to join the military and serve their country are aware that there will be many…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Army to Cut 550 Majors: By Debbie Gregory

The latest move in the campaign to downsize the U.S. Army was revealed on August 1, 2014 when the Army…

11 years ago