Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Veteran Turned Away At Two VA Clinics: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. VA medical facilities and health clinics have been under scrutiny in recent years, specifically for the lack…

9 years ago

The Move Away from Pharmaceuticals : Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. It is becoming increasingly more wide spread for veterans battling post-traumatic stress disorder to opt for alternative…

9 years ago

Promising Statistics on Veteran Homelessness: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. It may be hard for some to understand why, after serving their country so bravely, a good…

9 years ago

A Most Heroic Ride: Military Connection

  By Debbie Gregory. U.S. Marine Sgt. Toran Gaal, a corporal infantry rifleman in 15 Charlie Company with the 1st…

9 years ago

With a Little Help From Your Peers: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. Now you can talk to someone who gets it: Military OneSource has expanded confidential services for service…

9 years ago

Using Social Media to Save Lives: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. When Special Forces veteran Johnny Primo logged on to his Instagram account and saw a suicide note…

9 years ago

Toes in the Sand at Heroes’ Beach: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. The Simulation Learning, Education and Research Network (SimLEARN) is the VHA's program for simulation in health care…

9 years ago

Pushing to Improve Mental Health Care: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly has introduced three additional bills to up the quality of mental health care…

9 years ago

“Paralyzed” Vet Walks After Getting Free Home: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. In December, 2013, Army Specialist Justin Perez-Gorda was given a home, free of charge, by Homes for…

10 years ago