
What Do You Think of the VA Buying Luxury Art?

By Debbie Gregory. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., has joined forces with Concerned Veterans for America and Veterans for Common Sense…

8 years ago

VA Fears Emergency Care Claims Could Open Floodgates

By Debbie Gregory. A recent ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims to pay claims for emergency…

8 years ago

Veteran Suicide Tragedy in VA Hospital Parking Lot

By Debbie Gregory. A 76-year-old former Navy gunner killed himself outside a Long Island Veteran Affairs facility after allegedly being…

8 years ago

U.S. Troops Infected With Zika

By Debbie Gregory. More than 40 members of the U.S. military have contracted the Zika virus this year in countries…

8 years ago

Tinnitus Tops the List of Veteran Disabilities

By Debbie Gregory. When it comes to veteran disabilities, tinnitus comes in at number one. Over 150,000 veterans were diagnosed…

8 years ago

McDonald Promises Veterans Same-day Appointments for Health Care

By Debbie Gregory. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald has made a lofty promise to Veterans: by December,…

8 years ago

Family Residency Program Provides Military Healthcare

By Debbie Gregory. The Military Family Care Residency Program brings together military physicians and allied medical personnel with their civilian…

8 years ago

Army Joins Forces with French Company on Zika Virus

By Debbie Gregory. French drugmaker Sanofi has reached a research and development deal with the U.S. Army to develop a…

8 years ago

VA to Offer More Cancer Treatment Options

By Debbie Gregory. In his final State of the Union address, President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of…

8 years ago

Hippocampus Size May Determine PTSD Treatment

By Debbie Gregory. Thanks to advances in medical technology, researchers have begun to study the effect of PTSD on the…

8 years ago