States Join FTC to Target Fraudulent Military Charities

6 years ago

  States Join FTC to Target Fraudulent Military Charities Contributed by Debbie Gregory Many charities do a great job supporting our…

GI Benefits and YOU

6 years ago

GI Benefits and YOU   Contributed by Kris Baydalla-Galasso It is “back to school” season across the country. Our college…

Limiting GI Bill Transfer Plan – Is It Fair?

6 years ago

Limiting GI Bill Transfer Plan – Is It Fair? By Debbie Gregory.   The Defense Department’s new rules on transferring…

WWII Legend ‘Sgt. Rosie,’ Rosenkrantz Finally Laid to Rest

6 years ago

WWII Legend 'Sgt. Rosie,' Rosenkrantz Finally Laid to Rest   By Debbie Gregory.   After 74 years, Staff Sgt.David "Sgt.…

Knowing and Understanding PTSD

6 years ago

Kris Baydalla Galasso Something terrifying happens to you. Your heart races. Your palms sweat. You can’t sleep. You don’t want…

Funding for ‘Space Force’ Fails to Make Defense Budget Bill

6 years ago

Funding for 'Space Force' Fails to Make Defense Budget Bill By Debbie Gregory It looks as though Congress has put…

Controversial White House Adviser Heading Mental Health Commission at VA

6 years ago

Controversial White House Adviser Heading Mental Health Commission at VA By Debbie Gregory President Donald Trump has named a former…

Vietnam Veteran Fatally Shot by Police After Shooting Home Intruder

6 years ago

Vietnam Veteran Fatally Shot by Police After Shooting Home Intruder By Debbie Gregory Less than a minute after arriving at…

Tuition Assistance Boost for Army National Guard

6 years ago

Tuition Assistance Boost for Army National Guard By Debbie Gregory Changes to the Army National Guard's Tuition Assistance program (TAP)…

California Pot Growers Donate Product to Veterans

6 years ago

California Pot Growers Donate Product to Veterans By Debbie Gregory The Santa Cruz Veterans Alliance (SCVA) is on a mission…