Women Veteran Statistics 2010

Women Veteran Statistics 2010

The total veteran population in the United States and Puerto Rico, as of September 2010, was approximately 23 million. The population of women veterans numbered 1,840,380. States with the largest number of women veterans were California, Texas, Florida, Virginia and Georgia. State-by-state totals are as follows:

Alabama 35,526 Montana 8,038
Alaska 8,549 Nebraska 11,311
Arizona 47,593 Nevada 21,433
Arkansas 19,805 New Hampshire 8,828
California 166,709 New Jersey 28,080
Colorado 38,095 New Mexico 16,555
Connecticut 15,211 New York 64,535
Delaware 6,430 North Carolina 69,617
District of Columbia 3,886 North Dakota 4,647
Florida 140,256 Ohio 60,908
Georgia 76,745 Oklahoma 26,646
Hawaii 11,634 Oregon 25,295
Idaho 10,594 Pennsylvania 63,603
Illinois 57,121 Puerto Rico 7,232
Indiana 33,343 Rhode Island 5,007
Iowa 14,927 South Carolina 35,540
Kansas 18,105 South Dakota 5,985
Kentucky 24,808 Tennessee 39,215
Louisiana 27,147 Texas 155,625
Maine 10,306 Utah 10,963
Maryland 49,129 Vermont 3,679
Massachusetts 26,085 Virginia 92,036
Michigan 45,420 Washington 55,675
Minnesota 23,157 West Virginia 11,870
Mississippi 17,897 Wisconsin 28,219
Missouri 37,777 Wyoming 4,495
Territories/Foreign 9,089

Total Women Veterans 1,840,380

Source: Dept. of Veterans Affairs, VetPop07, at: http://www.va.gov/vetdata/
