Professional Conferences & Seminars


Professional Conferences and Seminars are excellent ways to connect with your peers and learn the latest and greatest in your specific areas of expertise and interest. Professional Conferences and Seminars provide you the opportunity to step away from the distractions of your normal routine, and share knowledge and experiences in a focused environment. Professional conferences make you cognizant of leading edge technology and techniques, as well as provide you the opportunity to meet other professionals or those with similar interests and affiliations. From small regional events to large national conferences, Professional Conferences and Seminars cover the most relevant issues and pertinent information that is of value to healthcare professionals in all areas, those who serve in the military, government employees and all types of professional groups. At, we invite you to search for Professional Conferences and Seminars in this Directory. We also invite you to send us information on your Professional Conferences and Seminars so that we can help you spread the word. Send your Conferences/Seminars to: events@localhost

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10/27 to 10/30, 2014 American College of Emergency Physicians Website
11/4/ to 11/5, 2014 ANA Staffing Conference Website
11/5 to 11/9, 2014 39th Annual POD conference for Educators and Administrators Website
11/6 to 11/8, 2014 ISTSS 30th Annual Meeting Website
11/12 to 11/14, 2014 NPSMA 5th National Conference Website
12/4 to 12/5, 2014 NALP Professional Development Institute Website
12/9 to 12/11, 2014 National Veterans Small Business Engagement Website
3/3 to 3/4, 2015 Institute for Health Technology Website
3/21 to 3/24, 2015 Spring Annual Meeting- American College of Nursing Website
10/10 to 10/14, 2015 American Society of Engineers Website