Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill

Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill

The Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill, often referred to as “MGIB” predates the Post 9/11 GI Bill. MGIB, provides up to 36 months of educational benefits for veterans, with a possible additional 12 months for those who qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. MGIB covers college, technical or vocational courses. The program can also be used for online education, flight school, apprenticeships and job training and other programs.

The MGIB also features a buy-up program, which allow some active duty servicemembers to contribute up to an additional $600 to the GI Bill in order to receive increased monthly benefits of $5,400 in additional GI Bill benefits.

The vast majority of those who enlist in military service will site the education benefits earned through their service as a main motivator in their decision to sign up. Both the Chapter 30 MGIB, as well as the Post 9/11 GI Bill originated from the original Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944l. Historians and economists consider the G.I. Bill a major political success. The benefits given to WWII Veterans resulted in long-term economic growth, given that those who came out of the military could afford an education, a home, and for those with the entrepreneurial spirit, the capital to start their own business. By 1956, roughly 2.2 million Veterans had used the G.I. Bill education benefits in order to attend colleges or universities, and an additional 6.6 million Veterans used the GI Bill benefits for some kind of training program.

Before you can use your MGIB-AD benefit, you must first apply for the education benefit; in other words, you must activate it. If you’re eligible for MGIB-AD (active duty) education benefits, you can submit your application after you’ve served two years on active duty and have paid the required $1,200 contribution.  If you’re eligible for MGIB-SR (selected reserve) education benefits, you must obtain and complete VA Form 22-1990, Application for Education Benefits and send it to the VA regional office with jurisdiction over the State where you will train.

Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following the release from active duty.