Compton: Military renters have help if home foreclosed

Compton: Military renters have help if home foreclosed

By George Compton
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Q. My husband is stationed at Naval Base Ventura County and we are renting a home in Oxnard. Would there be any assistance for us if this home goes into foreclosure?

A. Yes. New protection exists for military members or their dependents compelled to move because they are renting residences that happen to be in foreclosure. Under a revision to the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, approved by the Department of Defense (retroactive to July 30), such a tenant may claim the expense of relocation to another dwelling as a short-distance household goods move.

The new entitlement is available for a military member only when the new dwelling is used for a daily commute to the permanent duty station. It is not available when the member or dependent is the owner of the home in foreclosure.

There are other state and federal laws that provide additional protection for renters. The Navy Legal Service Office Southwest, Branch Office Port Hueneme, is available to assist members with these questions and others. Its phone number is 98124.

Q. Does the VA still provide transportation to the West L.A. Medical Center? Where is there a schedule, and do you need a reservation?

A. The VA bus makes one round trip daily (Monday through Friday) from Santa Barbara Outpatient Clinic and the West VA Medical Center.

The bus makes a stop at the Oxnard Transportation Center and departs for L.A. at 9:10 a.m. and arrives at West L.A. about 10 a.m. It then shuttles veterans between West L.A. and Sepulveda Outpatient Clinic until it departs West L.A. for Oxnard about 3:40 p.m. It arrives in Oxnard about 5 p.m.

You need to make a reservation with the Santa Barbara Outpatient Clinic at 683-1491. I recommend you make the reservation when you make an appointment, for the bus becomes full on occasion. At minimum, call by 12:30 p.m. the day before you need the ride.

— George Compton, a retired Army colonel, is the veterans service officer for the County of Ventura, Human Services Agency. Send your questions to Veterans Service Office, 1701 Pacific Ave., Suite 110, Oxnard, CA 93033; phone 385-6366; fax 385-6371; or e-mail

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