Memberships in Veteran Service Organizations on the Decline

By Debbie Gregory. There appears to be a lack of interest from younger veterans when it comes to joining legacy…

7 years ago

VFW Partners with Other Non-Profits to Fight Mental Health Stigma

By Debbie Gregory. The VFW has recently launched a campaign to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, raise awareness, foster…

8 years ago

VFW UnMet Needs Program Assists Servicemembers and Recent Vets

By Debbie Gregory. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) traces its roots back to 1899, when veterans of the Spanish-American…

8 years ago

Why Younger Vets Are Not Joining Established VSO’s

By Debbie Gregory. Why is there a lack of interest from younger veterans when it comes to joining legacy groups…

8 years ago

Iraq/Afghanistan Vets Seek Out Their Own Connections

By Debbie Gregory. Younger veterans are looking for community connections that fit their needs, not the needs of older veterans.…

9 years ago

Did the VA Know Prudential’s Game? Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Commander John Biedrzychi, Jr. has claimed that the Department of Veterans Affairs…

9 years ago