Veteran health

Veterans Ask Court to Reinstate Lawsuits over Open Burn Pits

  Veterans Ask Court to Reinstate Lawsuits over Open Burn Pits By Debbie Gregory During the OEF and OIF wars,…

7 years ago
Military Connection: Study ties Veteran Suicide to Early SeparationsMilitary Connection: Study ties Veteran Suicide to Early Separations

Military Connection: Study ties Veteran Suicide to Early Separations

By Debbie Gregory. A recent study found that there is no link between military/Veteran suicides and deployments, but surprisingly, connects…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Great News for Veterans Suffering from TBIMilitary Connection: Great News for Veterans Suffering from TBI

Military Connection: Great News for Veterans Suffering from TBI

By Debbie Gregory. On April 13, 2015, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the contract recipients for the Assisted…

10 years ago
Military Connection: DOD Awards $2 Million Grant for PTSD ResearchMilitary Connection: DOD Awards $2 Million Grant for PTSD Research

Military Connection: DOD Awards $2 Million Grant for PTSD Research

By Debbie Gregory. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has awarded a $2 million grant to RTI International, a nonprofit…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Embracing Your Veteran CultureMilitary Connection: Embracing Your Veteran Culture

Military Connection: Embracing Your Veteran Culture

By Joe Silva So many Veterans today are suffering– alone. Veterans from all eras are struggling from afflictions such as…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Study Finds that Veterans Need Support to CopeMilitary Connection: Study Finds that Veterans Need Support to Cope

Military Connection: Study Finds that Veterans Need Support to Cope

By Debbie Gregory. A recent study has revealed that Veteran students have a difficult time overcoming the use of avoidance…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Bill to Improve Mental Health in the US MilitaryMilitary Connection: Bill to Improve Mental Health in the US Military

Military Connection: Bill to Improve Mental Health in the US Military

By Debbie Gregory. In April, 2014, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) introduced the Medical Evaluation Parity for Servicemembers (MEPS) Act, S.…

10 years ago
Military Connection: New Funding for Medical Marijuana PTSD StudyMilitary Connection: New Funding for Medical Marijuana PTSD Study

Military Connection: New Funding for Medical Marijuana PTSD Study

On December 17, 2014, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment approved a $7.6 million measure to provide…

10 years ago
Military Connection: New Navy/USMC Health Website: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: New Navy/USMC Health Website: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: New Navy/USMC Health Website: By Debbie Gregory

Early in December, the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) announced the launch of its revamped Wounded, Ill,…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Medical Marijuana for PTSD? By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Medical Marijuana for PTSD? By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Medical Marijuana for PTSD? By Debbie Gregory

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contends that approximately 20% of the 2.8 million American Veterans who served in Iraq…

10 years ago