
Military Connection: What the Fall of Ramadi ShowsMilitary Connection: What the Fall of Ramadi Shows

Military Connection: What the Fall of Ramadi Shows

By Debbie Gregory. The White House has officially acknowledged the fall of the city of Ramadi to the Islamic State.…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Gold Star Mother’s Voice is HeardMilitary Connection: Gold Star Mother’s Voice is Heard

Military Connection: Gold Star Mother’s Voice is Heard

By Debbie Gregory. In mid-April, forces from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL, gained control over much…

10 years ago
Military Connection: The Fall of RamadiMilitary Connection: The Fall of Ramadi

Military Connection: The Fall of Ramadi

By Debbie Gregory. The Iraqi security forces abandoned the last remaining positions in Ramadi as the city fell to the…

10 years ago