VA Allows Doctors to Discuss Medical Marijuana with Patients

By Debbie Gregory. Advocates of medicinal marijuana use for veterans believe in its effectiveness in treating chronic pain. Now the…

7 years ago

Army Veteran, Gunman in Colorado Shooting, had History of Mental Illness

By Debbie Gregory. He was once a standout student in law school and an Army medic. But in the very…

7 years ago

VA To Make Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Available for PTSD

By Debbie Gregory. In a continuing effort to treat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and reduce the number of veteran suicides,…

7 years ago

Colorado VA Used Forbidden Lists of Patients Wanting Mental Health Car

By Debbie Gregory. A Veterans Administration (VA) investigation has revealed that VA facilities in Denver, Golden and Colorado Springs failed…

7 years ago

Was This A Hate Crime or PTSD?

By Debbie Gregory. There was a perfect storm brewing in Portland, Oregon's DarSalam Iraqi restaurant. Suffering from unsuccessfully treated PTSD,…

7 years ago

Alarming Rate of Suicide Among Servicewomen and Female Vets

By Debbie Gregory. Female military veterans run a 250% higher risk than civilian women for suicide, a startling finding that…

7 years ago

Service-related PTSD Disability Claims have Tripled in the Last Decade

  By Debbie Gregory. More than 20 percent of veterans receiving federal disability are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, a…

7 years ago

Can an Injection Alleviate PTSD?

By Debbie Gregory. The U.S. Army has commissioned a study to see if an anesthetic injection to the neck can…

8 years ago

Veteran Sought Mental Health Care Before Murder- Suicide

A few days before 30-year-old Army veteran Joshua Stiles fatally shot his wife and took his own life, he had…

8 years ago

Veteran Treatment Courts Offer Alternatives

By Debbie Gregory. Many military veterans have had life experiences that are very different from their civilian contemporaries. Depending on…

8 years ago