Military Connection: Next Era Army Uniforms: By Debbie Gregory

Across history, generations of U.S. Army soldiers have been known around the globe by the uniform they wear. There were…

11 years ago

Military Connection: VA Healthcare for Female Vets: By Debbie Gregory

Due to the increased participation of women in the military, especially since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the VA has…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Army Master Fitness Trainers: By Debbie Gregory

Military branches are slimming down in a number of ways. Both the Army and Air Force have already seen down-sizing…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Article Sparks Intrigue: By Debbie Gregory

With the confirmation of Robert McDonald as the new permanent secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, many in the…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Disabled Recruits? By Debbie Gregory

While it would seem that years of fighting a war could result in a desensitized society, in actual fact, recent…

11 years ago

Military Connection: No Win for 2 Veterans: By Joe Silva

As a Veteran, how would you react if someone falsely claimed that you said members of your former service had…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Army Veteran, 108 year old, Sets Precedence for Service

Lucy Coffey, an Army veteran who also happens to be 108 years old, recently visited Washington, D.C. on a mission…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Military Money Pits: By Debbie Gregory

There are individuals, groups and even legitimate companies that seek to make a profit at the expense of military service…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Ohio Veterans App: By Debbie Gregory

Across the nation, there are many communities, organizations and agencies diligently working to improve the lives of service members, Veterans…

11 years ago

Military Connection: Great SUPPORT for Vets: By Debbie Gregory

Many advances in technology and medicine achieved over the last decade have been utilized to improve the care and quality…

11 years ago