
Veteran’s Suicide Tragedy Compounded by Financial Consequences

By Debbie Gregory. On July 5th, Stephen Coning, a 26-year- old veteran who had served three deployments as a Marine Infantryman, tragically…

8 years ago

Zero-rated Veteran Charity Goes Belly-up

By Debbie Gregory. The National Vietnam Veterans Foundation (NVVF), a zero-rated charity that we reported on a few months ago,…

8 years ago

Pay For Success Veterans Employment Program Launched By VA

By Debbie Gregory. The VA Center for Innovation (VACI) and VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment teams are partnering with the…

8 years ago

Army Wants Greater Role in Space Operations

By Debbie Gregory. At last month’s Space and Missile Defense Symposium, Army Col. Joe Guzman made the case for the…

8 years ago

Veteran Education Disrupted by ITT Closure

By Debbie Gregory. Valuable veteran education benefits could be affected for as many as 7,000 veteran students using their GI…

8 years ago

18 Month Experiment Can Change How Combat Troops Deploy

By Debbie Gregory. An ongoing 18-month experiment by the Marine Corps could transform the basic infantry unit into a deadlier…

8 years ago

Are Crewless Ships in the Navy’s Future?

By Debbie Gregory. Autonomous vehicles are becoming more common by the day, and new autonomous ships could change the future…

8 years ago

Survival Rates Improving For Wounded Soldiers

By Debbie Gregory. Despite the rising severity of battle injuries from increasingly lethal weapons, some 92 percent of soldiers wounded…

9 years ago

The VA is Leading the Way on Genetic Research

By Debbie Gregory. Advances in genomics have triggered a revolution in discovery-based research to understand even the most complex biological…

9 years ago

United Airlines Sued By US Government Over USERRA Violations

By Debbie Gregory. Apparently the skies are not so friendly when it comes to Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights…

9 years ago