Department of Defense

DoD Releases Video Showing a Navy Pilot’s Encounter with UFO

By Debbie Gregory. On March 9, a video was released that appears to show U.S. Navy pilots encountering an unidentified…

7 years ago

New Pentagon Plan Could Boot Thousands of Non-Deployable Troops

By Debbie Gregory. In a change of policy, the Department of Defense (DoD) will start separating perpetually non deployable troops…

7 years ago

Do We Need To Be Prepared for War In Space?

By Debbie Gregory. There is no denying that satellites are an important component of our daily lives. Satellites affect our…

7 years ago

Wilkie Pushes for Culture Shift Within the Military

By Debbie Gregory. Robert Wilkie, the Department of Defense’s new undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, is shifting the…

7 years ago

Merger of VA and DoD Health Systems Being Considered

By Debbie Gregory. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides healthcare to veterans through medical centers and clinics owned and…

7 years ago

Federal Judge Rules DOD can’t Block Immigrant Recruits’ Citizenship Applications

By Debbie Gregory. U.S. District Judge Ellen S. Huvelle has ordered the Department of Defense not to block fast-tracked citizenship…

7 years ago

Pentagon Waves Payback From California National Guard Members

By Debbie Gregory. The Department of Defense will allow 17,092 California National Guard members to keep more than $190 million…

8 years ago

Army Helicopter Pilot Kept Flying, In Spite of Being Shot

By Debbie Gregory. The Department of Defense has recently released documents that tell the story of bravery and perseverance of…

8 years ago

Army Opens Collaborative CyberSecurity Center

By Debbie Gregory. The Army Cyber-research Analytics Laboratory (ACAL) is unlike any other lab, providing access to highly-sensitive live cyber-security…

8 years ago