Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Better Protection from Student Loan Fraud Needed By Veterans and the Rest of Us

By Debbie Gregory. Veterans, with their attractive and generous GI Bill education benefits have been targeted by predatory, for-profit colleges.…

7 years ago
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Military ConnectionConsumer Financial Protection Bureau: Military Connection

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. When leaving active duty, many servicemembers are unsure how to set a path to financial security. The…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Creditors Ordered to Repay $3M to Service MembersMilitary Connection: Creditors Ordered to Repay $3M to Service Members

Military Connection: Creditors Ordered to Repay $3M to Service Members

By Joe Silva On April 20, 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) intervened against a creditor for charging hidden…

10 years ago