Ash Carter

Continuing Resolution Will Keep Government RunningContinuing Resolution Will Keep Government Running

Continuing Resolution Will Keep Government Running

By Debbie Gregory. A temporary spending bill signed by President Obama will keep the funded through April of next year,…

8 years ago
Carter Announces Plans for the Pentagon to Launch Chief Innovation Officer PostCarter Announces Plans for the Pentagon to Launch Chief Innovation Officer Post

Carter Announces Plans for the Pentagon to Launch Chief Innovation Officer Post

By Debbie Gregory. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is poised to drive innovation forward for the Pentagon, which includes the…

8 years ago
Air Force Secretary Weighs in on Women and the Selective Service LawAir Force Secretary Weighs in on Women and the Selective Service Law

Air Force Secretary Weighs in on Women and the Selective Service Law

By Debbie Gregory. Last December, the Defense Department decided to open all remaining gender-segregated combat jobs — about 225,000 —…

8 years ago
Carter Orders Pentagon to Halt CA National Guard Bonus PaybacksCarter Orders Pentagon to Halt CA National Guard Bonus Paybacks

Carter Orders Pentagon to Halt CA National Guard Bonus Paybacks

By Debbie Gregory. Calling the situation “unacceptable,” Defense Secretary Ash Carter ordered the Pentagon to suspend efforts to recover enlistment…

8 years ago
Carter Proposes Changes to “Up or Out” Promotion SystemCarter Proposes Changes to “Up or Out” Promotion System

Carter Proposes Changes to “Up or Out” Promotion System

By Debbie Gregory. Defense Secretary Ash Carter, in his bid to modernize the military's antiquated bureaucracy, has proposed a sidestep…

9 years ago
Carter Announces All Combat Jobs Open to WomenCarter Announces All Combat Jobs Open to Women

Carter Announces All Combat Jobs Open to Women

By Debbie Gregory. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said that he is ordering the military to open all combat jobs to…

9 years ago
Russia a Threat, Once Again? Military ConnectionRussia a Threat, Once Again? Military Connection

Russia a Threat, Once Again? Military Connection

By Debbie Gregory. Defense Secretary Ash Carter is calling Russia a "very, very significant threat," agreeing with an assessment made…

10 years ago