
B-2 Bombers Kill Dozens of ISIS Fighters in LibyaB-2 Bombers Kill Dozens of ISIS Fighters in Libya

B-2 Bombers Kill Dozens of ISIS Fighters in Libya

By Debbie Gregory. Last week, American warplanes unleashed a massive attack on at least two Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL)…

8 years ago
Should US Resume Airstrikes Against Taliban Targets?Should US Resume Airstrikes Against Taliban Targets?

Should US Resume Airstrikes Against Taliban Targets?

By Debbie Gregory. The Taliban’s growing military might is posing a strategic “rock and a hard place” question for President…

9 years ago
Price Tag for Airstrikes Against Islamic State Hits $5.5BPrice Tag for Airstrikes Against Islamic State Hits $5.5B

Price Tag for Airstrikes Against Islamic State Hits $5.5B

By Debbie Gregory. The U.S. has won battles, destroyed targets, and saved towns from ISIS, but we might not be…

9 years ago
Military Connection: F-22s Finally See Action: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: F-22s Finally See Action: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: F-22s Finally See Action: By Debbie Gregory

On September 22, 2014, the U.S. led airstrikes against Islamic State Forces in Syria dominated the media, and rightfully so.…

10 years ago
Military Connection: Airstrikes in Syria: By Debbie GregoryMilitary Connection: Airstrikes in Syria: By Debbie Gregory

Military Connection: Airstrikes in Syria: By Debbie Gregory

This week, a message was sent to the Islamic State (I.S.) that the world is rallying against them. A U.S.…

10 years ago