Archived Blogs

Military Connection: Veteran Medication Alert: By Debbie Gregory

In most cases, anyone with a medical complaint is prescribed medication in an attempt to manage their symptoms. The results…

10 years ago

Military Connection: VA Loans Boost Housing Market: By Debbie Gregory

The nation’s struggling housing market could be seeing improvement, thanks to military Veterans. Approximately 2.8 million Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Next VA Sec Addresses Congress: By Debbie Gregory

Robert McDonald, President Obama’s nominee to be the permanent secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) addressed Congress on…

10 years ago

Military Connection: 11 More Army SHARP Centers: By Debbie Gregory

Before 2013, the U.S. Army didn’t have any sexual assault response centers. Soon, there will twelve. In July, 2013, the…

10 years ago

Military Connection: New Hi-tech Job Program: By Debbie Gregory

At the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) annual national convention in St. Louis, Vice President Joe Biden announced that the…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Ancient Remedy For Vets: By Debbie Gregory

By Debbie Gregory   Newly-transitioning Veterans, used to the physical rigors of military life,  need to find ways in which…

10 years ago

Military Connection: The “Right” Education for Veterans: By Joe Silva

During the course of their military careers, Veterans are taught that there usually is only one “right” way to accomplish…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Coming Changes to VA: By Debbie Gregory

By Debbie Gregory Acting-VA Secretary Sloan Gibson announced on July 8, 2014 that the department will restructure its Office of…

10 years ago

Military Connection: YOUR Veteran Benefits: By Debbie Gregory

By Debbie Gregory Would it surprise you to know that many Veterans aren’t taking advantage of their Veteran benefits? While…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Don’t Tread on Me, First Navy Jack: By Joe Silva

The U.S. Navy is a fighting force that honors many traditions. It used to be that approaching ships would discharge…

10 years ago