Archived Blogs

Military Connection: GI Bill is NOT for Schools: By Debbie Gregory

The Post-9/11 GI Bill is the most current and most generous continuation of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, originally enacted by…

10 years ago

Military Connection: New Book Glorifies Veterans: By Debbie Gregory

Attention all Veterans, history buffs and avid readers: a book about Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans will be hitting store shelves…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Elections Based on Vets Issues: By Debbie Gregory

The political advertising campaigns on television and radio, as well as the signs filling our street corners, tell us that…

10 years ago

Military Connection: September Unemployment Stats: By Debbie Gregory

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released “The Employment Situation” for September, 2014. The monthly report details the…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Peace Prize For Army Sgt.? By Debbie Gregory

Were you aware that a U.S. Army soldier has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize? Army Sergeant Randy Sandifer…

10 years ago

Military Connection: USAA Offers Driving Tips and Reward: By Joe Silva

I’ll never forget an experience I had while serving as a duty driver in Gulfport Mississippi, while I was waiting…

10 years ago

Military Connection: CalVet Website Recognized: By Debbie Gregory

On October 9, 2014, the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) announced that their recently overhauled website received a Digital…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Key to Civilian Employment: By Debbie Gregory

Veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have a higher unemployment rate than the civilian population. You would think…

10 years ago

Military Connection: Social Security for Veterans: By Debbie Gregory

Many articles talk about the sacrifices made by those who serve in the military. There are none who make a…

10 years ago

Military Connection: VA Calls for More Town Halls: By Debbie Gregory

We seem to have become a very acronym-heavy country, especially as it pertains to the government. In an effort to…

10 years ago