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U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 110th Congress – 2nd Session

Compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary

Question: On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the House Amendment No. 2 with Amdt. No. 4803 )

Vote Number:




Vote Date:

May 22, 2008, 11:42 AM



Required For Majority:




Vote Result:

Motion Agreed to



Amendment Number:

S.Amdt. 4803 to H.R. 2642 (Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008)

Statement of Purpose:

In the nature of substitute.

Vote Counts:







Not Voting


Grouped By Vote Position

YEAs —75

Akaka (D-HI)

Baucus (D-MT)

Bayh (D-IN)

Biden (D-DE)

Bingaman (D-NM)

Bond (R-MO)

Boxer (D-CA)

Brown (D-OH)

Byrd (D-WV)

Cantwell (D-WA)

Cardin (D-MD)

Carper (D-DE)

Casey (D-PA)

Chambliss (R-GA)

Clinton (D-NY)

Coleman (R-MN)

Collins (R-ME)

Conrad (D-ND)

Craig (R-ID)

Crapo (R-ID)

Dodd (D-CT)

Dole (R-NC)

Domenici (R-NM)

Dorgan (D-ND)

Durbin (D-IL)

Feingold (D-WI)

Feinstein (D-CA)

Hagel (R-NE)

Harkin (D-IA)

Hutchison (R-TX)

Inhofe (R-OK)

Inouye (D-HI)

Isakson (R-GA)

Johnson (D-SD)

Kerry (D-MA)

Klobuchar (D-MN)

Kohl (D-WI)

Landrieu (D-LA)

Lautenberg (D-NJ)

Leahy (D-VT)

Levin (D-MI)

Lieberman (ID-CT)

Lincoln (D-AR)

Martinez (R-FL)

McCaskill (D-MO)

Menendez (D-NJ)

Mikulski (D-MD)

Murkowski (R-AK)

Murray (D-WA)

Nelson (D-FL)

Nelson (D-NE)

Obama (D-IL)

Pryor (D-AR)

Reed (D-RI)

Reid (D-NV)

Roberts (R-KS)

Rockefeller (D-WV)

Salazar (D-CO)

Sanders (I-VT)

Schumer (D-NY)

Shelby (R-AL)

Smith (R-OR)

Snowe (R-ME)

Specter (R-PA)

Stabenow (D-MI)

Stevens (R-AK)

Sununu (R-NH)

Tester (D-MT)

Thune (R-SD)

Vitter (R-LA)

Warner (R-VA)

Webb (D-VA)

Whitehouse (D-RI)

Wicker (R-MS)

Wyden (D-OR)

NAYs —22

Alexander (R-TN)

Allard (R-CO)

Barrasso (R-WY)

Bennett (R-UT)

Brownback (R-KS)

Bunning (R-KY)

Burr (R-NC)

Cochran (R-MS)

Corker (R-TN)

Cornyn (R-TX)

DeMint (R-SC)

Ensign (R-NV)

Enzi (R-WY)

Graham (R-SC)

Grassley (R-IA)

Gregg (R-NH)

Hatch (R-UT)

Kyl (R-AZ)

Lugar (R-IN)

McConnell (R-KY)

Sessions (R-AL)

Voinovich (R-OH)

Not Voting – 3

Coburn (R-OK)

Kennedy (D-MA)

McCain (R-AZ)


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