JASTA Poses No Threat to U.S. Military and Veterans

7 years ago

By Terry Strada Saudi Arabia is spending more than $1.3 million monthly on a massive lobbying and public relations campaign…

Saudis Paid U.S. veterans to Lobby Against JASTA

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. U.S. Military Veterans were paid thousands and thousands of dollars for hotel costs and travel expenses by…

Chelsea Manning Freed After 7 Years in Prison

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Transgender Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, who was convicted of passing sensitive government documents to WikiLeaks in 2010,…

Post 9/11 Caregiver Support Services

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Caring for a family member or close friend is one of the most important and complicated roles…

Purple Heart Faker Got VA Benefits & House

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. An attack of appendicitis while serving in the military doesn’t earn you any benefits or accolades. So,…

Army Veteran and “GI Joe” Creator Dies at 84

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Army veteran Stanley Weston, the man who conceived the “GI Joe” doll died on May 1st at…

DoD to Set Troop Levels

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Defense Secretary James Mattis now has more flexibility in the ongoing fight against the Islamic State after…

Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Those Who Have Served

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Ever an advocate for our nation’s veterans, U.S. Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) has issued a statement about…

CA Lawmakers Consider Legal Aid for Deported Vets

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. The California legislature is considering AB 386, a bill introduced by State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher that…

Unique Tool to Help Prevent Veteran Suicides

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Suicide prevention is one of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) highest priorities. To that end, the…