Corporate Gray Sets the Standard

7 years ago

Corporate Gray was established in 1994 to help transitioning and former military personnel connect with employers in print through the…

You May Not Want To Save Your Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits for Your Kids

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. While the Post-9/11 GI Bill offers a very generous post-service education benefit, a special provision of the…

Two Women Bond Over Their Sailors In Aftermath of Fitzgerald Tragedy

7 years ago

  By Debbie Gregory. A sisterhood has been forged from the tragedy of the USS Fitzgerald collision with cargo ship…

Warrior Games in Chicago Spotlight Wounded Athletes

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. The Warrior Games, taking place this year for the first time in Chicago, spotlights wounded, ill or…

Supreme Court Asked to Take Up Workplace Rights for Reservists

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Lawmakers are asking the Supreme Court to decide whether military reservists’ unfair dismissal claims can be forced…

Can an Injection Alleviate PTSD?

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. The U.S. Army has commissioned a study to see if an anesthetic injection to the neck can…

VA Nurse Steals from Veteran, But Won’t Be Going to Jail

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Nursing is one of the noblest professions. But there will always be good and bad people in…

VA Withdrawal of Staab Appeal Could Affect 370,000 Cases

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. VA Secretary David Shulkin said he was dropping VA’s appeal of the Staab case decided last year…

Most Disabled Veterans Don’t Have Access to Full VA Caregiver Support

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Family caregivers sacrifice so much of themselves in order to give their loved ones the highest quality of…

Veterans Are Speaking Out Against GOP Healthcare Bill, Many Could Lose Benefits

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. A lot of people are under the assumption that everyone who’s ever served in the military is…