Air Force Conducts “Light Attack Experiment”

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. In August, for the first time since the end of the Vietnam era, the Air Force conducted…

Majority of Young American Adults Are Unfit for Military Service

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. The failure of Americans from 17- 24 years old to meet weight and fitness standards, as well…

Soldiers Opioid Use Decreases

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Members of the armed forces are not immune to the substance use problems that affect the rest…

After a Long Wait, Translator’s Special Immigrant Visa Finally Approved

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. For Iraqis and Afghans, working with the U.S. military in the Middle East carried great risks. Mahmood,…

Veterans Identification Card, Courtesy of Office Depot?

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. The Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015 was enacted so that veterans who weren’t entitled to military…

Serial Fraudster Arrested for Stolen Valor- Again!

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. You would have thought that spending a few years in federal prison sentence for impersonating military personnel…

Military Working Dogs Receive Medals for Courage

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. American Humane is committed to recognizing and celebrating the lifesaving contributions of the brave dogs who support…

From AK-47 to Flying Car!

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Kalashnikov Concern is the largest arms manufacturer in Russia, and produces a wide range civilian and military…

Thirty-one Marathons in as Many Days for Marine Veteran Double-amputee

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. Running one marathon is difficult. Running one marathon after losing both legs is extremely difficult. So what…

Still Serving, Veterans Self-Deploy to Aid Puerto Rico

7 years ago

By Debbie Gregory. When Hurricane Maria landed in Puerto Rico, the catastrophic damage was evident.  Sparking a humanitarian crisis of…