Veteran Jobs
Finding jobs for veterans can seem intimidating, but as a veteran, you have some of the most sought after skills and qualities in the employment world. Veterans make ideal candidates no matter their career paths because they know how to work under pressure, deal well with emergencies, they are determined and loyal to their position and extremely hard workers. Your time in the military, mixed with other applicable civilian training, should help you find a job shortly after re-entering the civilian world. Veteran jobs are out there and available, even in this economic climate. Your responsibility as a job-seeking veteran is to make yourself indispensable to a company by highlighting your skills and completing any necessary higher education *or* training.
Getting on the Veteran Job Market
Choosing a veteran job *or* career path will be up to you, and you should take the steps necessary to attain your career goal as a veteran. Once you have decided on a veteran job, you will need to determine if you need additional training. Whether complete undergraduate/graduate degrees, vocational schools *or* on the job training, any pertinent education will only help you find a job as a veteran. With *or* without additional training, as a veteran you will need to update your resume. Resumes should list the jobs and responsibilities you held in the military and any specialized skills that will help you stand out. Many veterans looking for jobs may be out of practice writing resumes and being interviewed. There are career counselors and professionals available to assist you in being prepared for your veteran job.
Along with resumes, jobs for veterans will most likely be looking for letters of recommendation. These should be from professionals that you have worked for *or* under and someone who will highlight your strengths. Veterans seeking jobs are encouraged to request their letters of recommendation as soon as they can as the process may take a while. After the resume, cover letter and recommendation letters are complete, the veteran is ready to begin seriously networking and looking for veteran jobs on general *or* specialized websites. Keep in mind that there are entire online forums and sites dedicated to helping veterans find jobs.
Top Veteran Job Areas:
While there are several fields and jobs available to veterans, the top veteran jobs in the U.S. are in the following fields:
• Healthcare Jobs For Veterans: Whether working in civilian *or* army hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes, private practices, etc. These include Nursing Jobs for Veterans, Physician Jobs For Veterans and more – Register & Check out the Directory of Healthcare Employers on this site:
• Government Jobs For Veterans: The federal and state governments offer several veteran jobs working in everything from Defense jobs for Veterans to Transportation jobs for Veterans. Veterans receive preference to for government jobs.
• Business Jobs For Veterans: With fast-paced momentum and high standards, jobs for veterans with a business *or* Administration jobs for Veterans background find entrepreneur *or* corporate elements rewarding. – Check out – an association for veteran and military business owners
• Law Enforcement Jobs For Veterans: Whether working as a lawyer *or* in law enforcement, veteran jobs can usually be found easily. Register & Check out all the law enforcement agencies –
• High Technology Jobs For Veterans: Computer/Engineering: Intelligence is one of the leading military aspects, and so in comes as no surprise that veterans seeking jobs would end up here.
• Trades Jobs For Veterans: – This is a market for HVAC, Welding and many other vocational jobs for Veterans..