Accredited Universities for Military Distance Learning Are An Excellent Option
By Debbie Gregory.
There are many choices for veteran and military accredited universities and colleges. Many military accredited universities and colleges offer a variety of distance learning programs and distance education programs for military and veteran students. Military accredited universities and colleges offer both undergraduate and graduate online programs.
Online veteran education is a very popular option today. Many veterans previously were in the military and are used to taking distance military education courses. The Post 9/11 GI Bill covers the cost of education for veterans including those enrolled in accredited online colleges and universities. Additionally, vocational programs for military and veterans are also covered. Many certificate programs for service members and veterans provide attractive options.
These programs range across the board. They include but not limited to degreed programs for military and veterans as well as medical, HVAC, welding, truck and trailer driving certifications and much more. Healthcare and trade courses are very excellent online options.
The Post 9/11 GI Bill provides in addition to tuition a housing allowance that is tax free based on the zip code of the school for an E-5 with dependents whether or not that is your rank or you have dependents. You don’t have to attend a brick and mortar military accredited college or university to receive these housing benefits. If you are attending an online accredited college or university for veterans and military, you still will receive a smaller tax free housing allowance of $700 a month. There is also a $1,000 stipend to cover books and supplies regardless if you are attending an online distance education school or actually taking classes in person.
There are all types of accredited universities, colleges and trade schools for military and veterans One size does not fit all Many excellent accredited universities are dedicated to military distance education. Many schools cater to military and veterans. These trade schools, colleges and universities offer outstanding online education programs for veterans and military. Before selecting any school, make sure that the schools you are considering are accredited and offer the degree or certification required to obtain employment in your desired career. If you are interested in a specific university or college, locate their website or talk to a counselor about their military online education policies.
The GI Bill provides for a veteran’s education, and at Military Connection we provide information on all of the education veteran benefits available to you. Learn about veteran schools, training programs, scholarship opportunities and more. Use our tools and resources to jump start your education post-service. Veterans have worked hard to earn this benefit and deserve the best education possible.