Scholarships wants to help our users improve their lives. Our valued military users will find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants, exclusively for the military community and their dependants, in our new Scholarship Directory. In response to your requests for this resource, we have spent close to one year researching thousands of military education programs and military scholarships for those who have served, and for their dependents. We have designed and newly launched our Scholarship Directory for you. understands that the military is a benefits-driven audience. Education is one of the main focuses for our audience. Education is the key to obtaining a better life with greater opportunities. You have served and you have earned outstanding military education benefits. Scholarships can enhance these benefits. Check out our Scholarship Directory to learn about the thousands of military scholarships, grant programs and military education programs that can help you and your family reach your goals. We have done the legwork, and all that remains for you to do is search the Scholarship Directory to find the right scholarships for your needs. At, we recognize the contributions of our military members and their families to the readiness of our fighting force. The best way this country can pay back the military community is by providing for their futures, and that of their military families. Be sure to check back often, as we will continuously update the Military Scholarship Directory. When the next tour is back home, it’s on